Photo by Amber Jensen

Photo by Amber Jensen

Poppies Hand Embroidery
Poppies Hand Embroidery

organic canvas cloth, cotton embroidery

Commission piece for Escama Studio, San Francisco

Graphic design by Escama Studio

Photo by Amber Jensen


Weed + Pills Hand Embroidery
Weed + Pills Hand Embroidery

Commission piece for Escama Studio, San Francisco

Stitches & bag construction by Hannah Watson

Graphic design by Escama Studio

Photo by Amber Jensen


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Meditation Pillow
Meditation Pillow

indigo dyed, felted wool, repurposed blue jeans


Chi Design
Chi Design

indigo dyed silk for Chi Design Studio


 sumac, indigo, silk  2015

sumac, indigo, silk


 indigo, silk  2015

indigo, silk


Indigo Dyed Rabbit Fur
Indigo Dyed Rabbit Fur

A project inspired for and by my Artist in Residency with Loam Magazine, 2016


wax batik + indigo ferrous vat + hand embroidered journals

I wanted to make a simple (on the inside) journal that would document travels, ambitions, reflections on whatever the times may bring. And I wanted the journal to wear with passage of time, like old blue jeans.

 Photo by Amber Jensen
Poppies Hand Embroidery
Weed + Pills Hand Embroidery
DSC_0175 (1).jpg
Meditation Pillow
Chi Design
 sumac, indigo, silk  2015
 indigo, silk  2015
Indigo Dyed Rabbit Fur

Photo by Amber Jensen

Poppies Hand Embroidery

organic canvas cloth, cotton embroidery

Commission piece for Escama Studio, San Francisco

Graphic design by Escama Studio

Photo by Amber Jensen


Weed + Pills Hand Embroidery

Commission piece for Escama Studio, San Francisco

Stitches & bag construction by Hannah Watson

Graphic design by Escama Studio

Photo by Amber Jensen


Meditation Pillow

indigo dyed, felted wool, repurposed blue jeans


Chi Design

indigo dyed silk for Chi Design Studio


sumac, indigo, silk


indigo, silk


Indigo Dyed Rabbit Fur

A project inspired for and by my Artist in Residency with Loam Magazine, 2016


wax batik + indigo ferrous vat + hand embroidered journals

I wanted to make a simple (on the inside) journal that would document travels, ambitions, reflections on whatever the times may bring. And I wanted the journal to wear with passage of time, like old blue jeans.

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