The soul is a mystifying, sometimes reclusive, and sometimes loud, force. I've come to respect it and look at it objectively, especially when allowing myself to create something with my hands. I let the soul speak up, and do my best to quiet the rambling mind. Thomas Moore, author of the excellent read "Soulmates: Honoring the Mysteries of Love and Relationship" so pointedly writes:
"When we look at the soul of relationship, we may find positive values in failures, endings, complexities, doubts, distancing, the desire for separation and freedom, and other troubling aspects. We can see these as initiatory opportunities rather than simply as threats. Soul often hides in the darkest corners, in the very places we would rather avoid, and in the very problems that tempt us into disillusionment; and so, we have to be intrepid when we look for it in our lives."
Not only speaking of relationships with people, but through relationships with our art, our souls are engaged in an uncanny, mystical process that we may sometimes never be able to grasp. That is the beauty. The highest beauty in my humble opinion. Learning to appreciate the mysteries of our relationships with our art may be one of the most important lessons in living the creative life.
"Late Spring Tunnel" // David Hockney